Good to know

The in-app chat feature "chat community" helps you get in touch with fellow UT Promoter users and make views and subscribers. However, the chat community has rules which must be strictly followed by users including you.
Before using the UT Promoter chat community feature, you must agree and follow the following rules
  • Brand promotion is prohibited
  • Spamming is prohibited
  • Use of abusive language is prohibited
Failure to observe the above rules, you won't access our services anymore

Q. How many ways can I use to get Subscribers?

  • Running Campaigns
  • View for view
  • Live chat (sub4sub)

Q. Why I am not receiving Subscribers?

You ran a campaign and still not seeing your subscribers or views count? Don't worry, this is because views and Subscribers from external players takes some time to update on a video, wait for some time, it should show up

Q. Why are messages auto-deleted in the chart community?

To maximize your experience in live chat, messages are automatically deleted once a limit of 100 messages is reached

Q. Why can't I run campaigns?

You must ensure you perform authorised purchases so as to run campaign, else you won't run any campaign following your account being terminated from our services

Q. How can I earn coins?

Here are 3 ways to earn coins

  • Watching and subscribing to videos in Campaigns
  • Purchasing coins
  • Sharing this app to your friends (Refer and earn)

Q. How can I run a campaign?

You must have 800+ coins to place a campaign.

Q. I'm not seeing views and subscribers from campaign

Views from external sources take time to show up on your videos. Check after some time

Q. How to use this App

It's very simple, watch videos for coins or buy coins and place your first campaign. To boost your YT views and subscribers


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